History Made at Fairbury

Wednesday, September 18 2013

The EPG boys team won their first meet in school history last night, defeating both Heyworth and Prairie Central in a small triangular at Fugate Woods. The Titans only scored 25 points to Heyworth's 36 and PC's 65. EPGXC's scorers placed 2, 3, 5, 7, 8. Our goals for the night were to relax and feel smooth on the cool and twisty course through the woods. Many athletes ran faster than their 2012 times, but only one season PR was set last night. Waite Uphoff improved his 2013 to 24:39, but still has a way to go to catch his 22:38 from 2012. Marc Hartness made the top seven last night, looking good but missing his season PR by two seconds.

On the girls side, EPG finished third place, but managed three times as many PRs as the guys. Jenn Arbuckle took 90 seconds off her season PR, dropping to 26:59. Sophie Steffen, despite some leg discomfort, took another 30 seconds off her 2013 time, dropping to 24:41. Freshman Maddie Morrison had the only lifetime PR for EPG, running 22:07, dropping 65 seconds from her previous lifetime best, moving her to #2 all-time on the Fugate Woods course.