Brimfield 5k

Saturday, August 10 2013 - Brimfield 5k

A group of EPGXC runners drove out to Brimfield for a nice 8am morning 5k race. Jacob Ludy and Coach Heffron ran together for most of the way. They were right behind the lead pack until the mile mark where they surged into the lead. They ran together until a little after the 2 mile mark where Ludy started to push ahead. Ludy held on for the win in 16:48 while Heffron faded to third place with a 16:51. Andy Layden was the next EPGXC runner to cross the finish with an 18:14 12th place finish. Hunter Cobbley was next with a summer pr of 18:51 and a 16th place finish. Adam Ludy was the final EPGXC HS runner across the line with a respectable 19:42 29th place finish. It was an all-around good day as the squad took home 4 pieces of hardware with Jacob Ludy's individual champion trophy and three age group trophies from Andy, Hunter, and Coach Heffron. Coach Heffron also beat his last year's time by one second to put himself second in the all-time 45-49 age group. Things are looking good for the Titans as the summer comes to a close and the season starts next week.