Featured Clients

Highland Park High School
Client Since: 2008 | Highland Park, IL
Team Site: https://www.hprunning.com
Coach Buti was one of the first coaches to start using SteepleWeb, and his team site is loaded with data: results, videos, team documents and workouts. Over 300 users on their team site with over 20,000 logins. Their team loves using the site and having a place to share everything - including the team training log where they have almost 30,000 log entries and over 150,000 miles logged since 2008. They really get everything out of their SteepleWeb site!

Eastern Illinois University
Client Since: 2006 | Charleston, IL
Team Site: https://www.eiurunning.com
EIU has utilized the results database of SteepleWeb by entering all results for their team since the mid 1960's. That's almost 2,000 athletes and over 30,000 results. Check out their database page to search results, or view their top-times page that automatically updates via the SteepleWeb database. They also use SteepleWeb's meet registration system> (which works with TFRRS for NCAA).

Jones College Prep
Client Since: 2013 | Chicago, IL
Team Site: https://www.runjcp.com/
Jones has huge amounts of content on their site, including over 20 custom pages! They post news articles almost weekly and upload meet itineraries, splits and results for every meet. All this content keeps it's team members coming back, they average over 25 logins per day over the entire year.

Columbus North High School
Client Since: 2018 | Columbus, IN
Team Site: https://www.cnxc.org
CNXC makes strong use of their team training log, with over 25,000 entries. Their users check the site often, with an average 75 logins per day throughout the entire calendar year.

Plainfield North High School
Client Since: 2011 | Plainfield, IL
Team Site: https://www.pnrunning.com
pnrunning.com is information central for the Plainfield North crew. Documents, news articles and announcments are posted there all the time. The athletes and coaches make extensive use of the training log and all the reports available.