
2.5.5: Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Author natatkinson    Category Development, Updates     Tags

Now that SteepleWeb is a public product, we had to have a Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for all of our users to read and agree to (yeah, I know, we weren’t very excited either). So sometime in the next week, all of your users will be asked to update their info and accept our Terms of Use.

This also solves the rare issue of athletes not showing up on the training log leaderboard.  As long as they select a gender when they update their profile, they will show up on the leaderboard even if they didn’t before.

Speaking of the training log, you can now choose Monday or Sunday to be your ‘first day of the week.’ You can set this at a team level, and your users can also select their personal preference as well, but team preference will override user preference on your team site. But the user’s personal preference for ‘first day of the week’ will work when we launch our public training log on in the near future. This will be a place where anyone can have a training log, whether they are on a team or not. Your users will also have the option to make their training log public on, so they can share their log if they’d like.

We’ve also removed a step from updating the menu on your sites in the hope that is a bit easier for you. You just need to hit the publish button at the top now when you are ready to have your updates go live.

And in the next couple weeks we will be announcing a new template! This is by far the most exciting news, as our current templates are becoming a bit dated. The new template named ‘Champaign’ (continuing our naming convention of cities) looks very clean and modern. We hope to give you a glimpse of it soon!

Nate, Brad, & Scot

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