
Working on Version 2.5.0

Author natatkinson    Category Development     Tags

We’ve been hard at work over the last couple of months to produce version 2.5.0., and we are excited. Why the excitement? Well, we are using a new Database Manage System, so our database will be much easier for us to work with – which means we can add the features you want faster. Along with that, we’ve done some major code cleanup in the process, so expect things to run faster and smoother.

You faithful users won’t be seeing these updates until we move to the new server though – so there will be a transition period (we hope to make it smooth), but there will be some scheduled downtime. We built the new server a while ago, and we’ve just been getting ready to use it. We’ve got it all configured just the way you’ll like it, fast and full of awesome.

After Version 2.5 is out, we will be revamping steepleweb.com and finally move out of beta – which means that teams will be able to signup and start using SteepleWeb instantly. This also means that SteepleWeb will be a paid product. But don’t worry, our current pricing plans (which are in the works) include a free version – because we are runners too, and part of the goal fo SteepleWeb is to provide a benefit to the running community -and by providing a free version of SW, we can do that.

We’ve given up much over the years (time and financially), so we are very excited to be so close to moving out of beta.

But even more exciting is we’ve added another person to our team: Scot (with one “t”) is our new developer. He is the chosen one that will bring balance to our to-do list by implementing your feature requests. Scot has been working on Version 2.5, but recently started working on a mobile version of SW – so get excited for that.

Keep getting out the door

Nate, Brad & Scot

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